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- Lisa Renee Jones
When I Say Yes Page 18
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Page 18
Tyler shows his ID to the officer and then he’s allowed to cross the tape. Dash glances at me. “Stay here, baby,” he says, and then he’s walking toward Tyler.
Bella and I watch the two men speak for a moment, and I assume Dash has given him all the horrible news, when Tyler’s chin lowers, his shoulders sinking forward. Dash’s hand is on Tyler’s arm, a show of comfort that ends when a detective approaches them. Bella and I don’t speak. We just watch it all happen. The conversation with Dash, the detective, and Tyler continues for a minute or two before Tyler breaks from Dash and heads back toward the police lineup.
Bella and I rush toward Dash. “What just happened?” Bella asks before I can.
“The detective is going to Tyler’s house,” Dash explains. “Tyler is not exactly feeling himself right now.”
“I’m going with him,” Bella says. “He can’t be alone.”
Dash catches her arm. “Bella—”
“I can handle this, Dash. He needs someone.”
“Be careful with Tyler.”
“I will,” she promises. “I will, but I’ve known him for years and he is our friend, no matter what has gone down between you two. I need to go.” She pulls away from Dash and rushes after Tyler.
“She’s going to end up in bed with him,” Dash says. “He’s going to hurt her.”
“Or maybe she’ll save him.”
He glances down at me. “I like your version of how this ends better than mine. Let’s go home, baby.”
The minute Dash and I walk into our apartment, Dash locks the door and scoops me up. “I can walk,” I assure him.
“But you don’t have to,” he says, heading toward the bedroom, my hero, whisking me away to safety, or in this case our bathroom, where he lowers me to my feet beside the tub.
“Sit,” he orders as I claim the ledge around the tub with my backside and he plugs the tub and starts the water. Almost as if he knows just how much I need to wash the dirt of this night off of me.
“Thank you, Dash.”
His hands come down on my face and he tilts my gaze to his. “I’m going to get you a glass of wine to calm your nerves.”
“Yes. Yes, that sounds good.”
He strokes my cheek with a tender touch and leaves me sitting there on the edge of the tub. I know I should get up and undress, but I find myself reading that letter again in my mind. Jack used his friendliness combined with his power as a way to slide under people’s radar. He was a predator, but just thinking of him lying there dead and bleeding, that damn hole in his head, is just too much. Tyler’s words run through my mind: “The illusion of having what we do not.”
Sometimes that illusion is another day of living with the people we love. So easily, that illusion could have been mine.
I blink and Dash is back in front of me, kneeling in front of me. “You okay?”
“Yes.” I press my hand to his face. “Because of you, Dash. Ghost didn’t save me. You did that from the day I met you.” I laugh, but it’s a bit of a choked sound. “He told me to tell you to write him a woman. One who is—”
“Like you?”
“Gentle but tough enough to handle him,” I say, “or something like that.”
“Like you,” he says. “I guess he and I have that in common. You’re the dream woman.”
I laugh. “I don’t know about that.”
“I do. Allie, I was going to wait until Christmas Day to do this, but I can’t wait. I can’t think of another day of my life without you.”
“Well, let’s hope you don’t have to. I think I have a personal bodyguard.”
“Me,” he says. “Allie, marry me.”
I blink. “What?”
“Marry me. I cannot be without you.”
“Dash,” I say, tears welling in my eyes. “You don’t have to do this, and don’t do this tonight when you’re affected by what happened.”
“This isn’t about tonight.” He reaches into his pocket, producing a stunning circle diamond that glistens in the light. “I already planned to propose, baby. I love you and I feel like I almost lost you tonight. I just—I needed to do it now.”
Tears escape down my cheeks. “Oh my God.” The tears become real crying, an explosion of emotion.
Dash pushes to his feet and folds me close, his hand pressed between my shoulder blades. “I’m sorry.” He strokes hair from my face. “I’m so sorry, Allie. This was horrible timing. I just thought—”
“Yes,” I whisper. “Yes, I will marry you and no, it’s not bad timing. It’s perfect timing because that man—he made me feel—and you make me feel—yes,” I say again.
“Are you sure?”
“Oh my God, Dash. Are you serious? Of course, I’m sure.”
“Then why are you crying?” he asks, wiping the tears from my cheek.
“Happy tears and just emotional overload. I need to sit.”
He eases his hold on me and I sit back down. He goes down on his knee again in front of me. “You want to put the ring on?”
“Yes. Of course, I do. It’s gorgeous.” I hold out my hand and Dash slides the ring on my finger. “I love it so much,” I say, looking down at him. “And I love you.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “Now get me naked and make me forget that man’s hands on my body.”
“Allie,” he says softly, tenderly.
“I’m serious.” I stand and he stands with me. “Make me forget.” I tug on his shirt.
He pulls it over his head, and then leans around me, turning off the water. The next thing I know, he’s scooped me up again, and this time he carries me to bed. Dash undresses me slowly, kissing me tenderly everywhere. And when we are naked and he’s inside me, we make love. I am lost in him and everything else fades away.
The next day, I wake with Dash wrapped around me from behind, the warmth of his body and a ring on my finger. I stare at the stunning stone, thinking about the proposal rather than the horrible events of the night before.
“What are you thinking?” Dash asks, nuzzling my neck, and letting me know he’s awake.
“How much I love it and you,” I say, and just that easily, passion consumes us.
It’s a long time later when we shower and dress, and just in time. The doorbell rings and my mother and stepfather are here. Of course, my mother is freaked out, but the minute she sees my ring, worry shifts to happiness. “This calls for a celebratory breakfast,” she declares and then takes over our kitchen.
Bella, of course, calls me and Dash to check on us, but she’s still with Tyler. I think Dash is right. She is becoming involved with Tyler, which worries me only because he’s a damaged man, more damaged now by the pain of betrayal and loss. But things happen for a reason. Maybe, just maybe, they are meant to come together.
Karen, the detective from last night, shows up in the late afternoon, and picks up the necklace, asking only a few more questions. I’m sure more will follow, but for now, I have a break.
Later that evening, Bella comes over, brings dinner, and raves about my ring. We have a moment alone and I seize it. “You and Tyler?”
“I don’t know what this is,” she says. “I saw him hurting and I just needed to be there for him. That’s all.”
“Are you sure you’re not setting yourself up for trouble? He’s hurting, rebounding, and grieving, all at the same time.”
“I know he’s in a bad place. I know getting close to him now is risky, but I’m not turning my back on him. Besides, we’ve always been friends.”
There is a part of me that can’t see Tyler right now as anyone but Jack’s son, but she can. And maybe that is exactly how she saves him. When she leaves, I walk to the star on the tree and make a wish for her and for Tyler to just be safe and happy.
Against Dash’s wishes, I go back to work on Monday, aware that stability is needed by those in the office.
I’m shocked to discover Tyler has returned as
well. I intend to go check on him, but he finds me first, stepping into my office and shutting the door. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, Allie.”
I stand and round my desk to stop in front of him. “I’m sorry for what happened to you and her.” I can’t bring myself to bring up Jack. “I gave her journals to the police, but I have copies if you decide you want them.”
“I’m not ready,” he says.
“I know. She loved you intensely. Just know that.”
“And I pushed her away and right into his trap.”
“What happened to Allison wasn’t your fault. Jack did this, not you.”
“Right,” he says and when he starts to turn, I throw myself at him and hug him.
He’s stiff for a moment, but then he hugs me back. When I ease away from him, staring up at him, his eyes are bloodshot, pain radiating off of him. I want to say more, I want to help him but he shuts me down. “Get to work, Ms. Wright.”
I smile through my teary eyes and say, “I’ll be right here.”
“Good,” he says, simply, and to me, that’s his way of saying “thank you” and that I’m valued.
He starts to turn and then says, “Her cat was at the shelter where she volunteered. I found her on their website. They had no idea it was her cat. I called and adopted her.” With that, he turns and leaves, and my heart squeezes. He has her cat. My God, he really loved her. I hunt for the tissue box.
Christmas arrives quickly and while Dash, Bella, and I enjoy a family meal with my mom and stepdad, Tyler is with his mother, who has left him in charge of the company. Dash and I exchange gifts with everyone at the house but save ours for at home. We have just left my parent’s place when my cellphone rings with my father’s number. I glance over at Dash. “You going to answer it?”
I nod and take the call. “Merry Christmas, Allie.”
“Merry Christmas,” I say, a twist in my gut.
“I’ve been out of the country. I lost my phone and for the life of them, the cellphone company couldn’t get my number on a new phone over there. I just got back and got it fixed. Not only did I see your calls, I was told you came by my apartment.”
“I did,” I say. “I thought you called. Or texted. But I think I was confused on that.”
“No, but not because I didn’t want to. You made it clear I wasn’t welcomed in your life.” He hesitates. “I didn’t know that crap Brandon pulled.”
“Why didn’t you say that?”
“You were quick to believe me guilty and hell, why wouldn’t you? I haven’t been the best father.”
“I should have given you the chance to speak on the matter. I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
“Not as sorry as I am. How is your mother? Did she beat cancer?”
“She did.”
“Good. She won’t believe this, but she really was the love of my life. I took her for granted. Youth and money can do that to a man. Speaking of, I hear you’re dating Dash Black.”
“I am,” I say. “He’s a good man.”
“Maybe one day you’ll think I am, too, and I can meet him. Go enjoy Christmas. I’m on air this evening, so I have to get to the studio. When you’re ready, say the word, and I’ll come visit you.”
“I think I’d like that.”
“Good. I hope so.”
We disconnect and I glance over at Dash. “He says he didn’t know about Brandon.”
“Do you believe him?”
“I want to. He wants to come visit and meet you, too. I just don’t want to get hurt again.”
“You’ve been through a lot this past few weeks. Maybe in the new year, you’ll feel ready.”
“Yes. Maybe I will. What is that saying, life is short and it’s here to be lived?”
“Yes,” he agrees. “That’s the saying. I don’t know who said it, but it feels like words to embrace.”
Once we’re home, Dash insists he give me my gift first. To my surprise, he blindfolds me and actually leads me out of the apartment. “Where are we going?” I ask, laughing as I realize we’re in the elevator.
“First stop: the parking garage,” he says, nuzzling my neck and tickling my ear with his hair. I’m laughing all over again when we step off the car into the garage.
“Now what?” I ask, smiling with the anticipation of what comes next.
Dash pulls off my blindfold, and I find a silver Beamer with a huge bow on it right in front of me.
“Oh my God, Dash.” I glance over at him. “Are you serious? It’s so expensive. And you already got me a ring.”
He holds up the key. “Want to drive it?”
“Yes,” I say, bubbling with excitement.
We climb into the car and I run my hand over the leather. “It’s so pretty and it smells new.”
“Drive her, baby.”
“I think I will,” I agree, cranking the engine.
We drive around the block. “I can’t wait to show my mother,” I say when we park and return to the apartment.
“I’m sure she’ll be right over,” he says as we settle onto the couch.
“Yes. Yes, she will. I better call her tomorrow.”
“Now it’s your turn,” I say, handing him my gift in a velvet box with a red bow, that’s not nearly as big as the one on the car.
His brows knit and he opens the box to display a black tungsten ring with diamonds around it.
“Look at the inscription,” I say, and Dash reads it out loud, “You save me every day.”
Dash looks at me with love in his eyes and slides the ring on before pulling me close. “And you, Allie, save me every day.”
The night of the auction, it snows, just tiny flutters that fade in the wind, but even that is a near miracle in Nashville in December. It feels as if Allison is here, blessing the good work we are trying to do. And we do exactly that: good work. The auction is wildly successful.
I stand in the event room in a silver gown I picked out for the occasion, with Dash looking brutally handsome in a tuxedo, and watch the final item close with elation in my heart.
A fan steps to Dash’s side and starts talking to him while Benjamin steps to my side. “Hi, Allie.”
“Hi,” I say, turning to face him. “How are you, Benjamin?”
“I wanted to apologize to you.”
I frown. “For what?”
“I knew Jack was a pervert. That’s why I said I wasn’t surprised when Allison left. He showed her too much attention. I should have warned you.”
“Thank you for saying that, but please don’t blame yourself.”
He shocks me by hugging me and then walking away. Dash steps to my side, “What was that?”
“It appears more people knew what Jack was like than I realized. He apologized for not warning me about him.”
Later that night, Dash and I open a bottle of expensive champagne as he finally signs a contract for both a television show and a movie deal. “Ghost will be happy,” I say.
“Even happier when he realizes I wrote in a woman for him in the next book.”
“You rewrote the book for him?”
“I wrote it before he even asked. I was inspired.” He drags me across his lap and cups my head. “By you, my little cupcake.”
I laugh and he kisses me, and this editor who’d soured on happily ever after stories, now believes in them once again.
On New Year’s Eve, Dash and I stay home, drink champagne, and watch the explosion of Nashville’s city lights below us. Bella, on the other hand, is with Tyler, which doesn’t please Dash, but he’s come to terms with the fact that he doesn’t control her life.
“Let’s talk about a wedding date and place,” Dash says, refilling my glass.
“How about here?”
“How about we buy a house on the outskirts of Nashville, something we pick together, and we can have it there?”
“And give up the apartment?”
, I say let’s keep it.”
“I like that. Can we have horses?” I ask, starting to get excited.
“We can,” he says. “Do you ride?”
“No. Do you?”
“A little. We’ll learn.”
“What about a dog?”
“We travel a lot.”
“Henry Cavil travels with his dog. He posts pictures on Instagram of his giant dog traveling with him all the time.”
He laughs. “If Henry Cavil does it, we can, too.”
I grin, and remember Queen Compton’s words, changing them just slightly to fit the moment. “Yes, we can. And then you can give Ghost a dog.”
He chuckles. “I don’t know about that one. What about a wedding date?”
“Next Christmas? No. The auction would need to move to a different date. It’s too close to the holidays. What about fall, when the leaves will be turning? Surely if we buy a house outside the city, it will be a perfect time of year. October?”
“I like it,” he says. “October it is. I’ll call a realtor next week.”
It’s almost midnight and Dash motions to my glass. “Let’s countdown.”
And so, we do. We countdown and then we kiss in the first moment of the year we will become Mr. and Mrs. Dash Black.
It’s late January and I’ve managed to work out all the details to work for Riptide as a contractor for Hawk Legal. I also work from home as I please, which is about half-time. Bella has continued to see Tyler, and under her influence, he’s softened, become even more human.
One Friday evening, Tyler appears in my doorway. “I’m ready.”
I don’t have to ask for what. He means the journals. “I’ll send you a Dropbox link.”
“I’m going to hold a memorial service for her. I thought maybe I’d pick a few words in her own voice to read. Maybe you can help me pick something out that isn’t about me being an asshole.”
“I’d be honored.”
He gives me a small nod and disappears into the hallway, but I swear I can still feel his heart bleeding for Allison.
She’s gone, but she is not forgotten.
Being shut out of his father’s memorial is rough on Dash. The idea that his father’s and his stepmother’s hatred for him would dictate the absence of a proper funeral is also hard for him to accept. But in darkness, there is always light and we decide to embrace that light. On the day of his father’s memorial, a private event, not open to the public, Dash and I hold our own celebration of his life. We sit in our bedroom seating area by the window, with the fireplace on, drinking his dad’s favorite brandy coffee, and we read his last book to each other. Dash cries that day. It’s the first time, even since his father passed, that I’ve seen him cry. It feels like progress, like he’s allowing himself to be human. It’s one step closer to him healing. And if it’s the last thing I do in this lifetime, I will see the day he forgives himself. And I will love him more than he can love himself.